I'm responding to another Post on several of my Notes, for obvious reasons. The Chris Hedges Report: Once again I'm prevented from making a comment because of a paywall (so trumpian, so.....capitalist!). The shame is that Chris Hedges, in his visionary essay "My Thoughts On the Attempted Trump Assasination" has put our contemporary situation in a breathtakingly truthful perspective - brilliantly identifying what is imperative if our contemporary circumstances have a chance to avoid absolute oblivion (or a horrifying, authoritarian dystopia - which is the same thing!). Because his message is so important, I'll have to find another way to promote it other than by commenting on his thread. Pity!
Hell to the yes, as they say. I dissent! Missing RBG. 💔
Oh yes….SO much.
I'm responding to another Post on several of my Notes, for obvious reasons. The Chris Hedges Report: Once again I'm prevented from making a comment because of a paywall (so trumpian, so.....capitalist!). The shame is that Chris Hedges, in his visionary essay "My Thoughts On the Attempted Trump Assasination" has put our contemporary situation in a breathtakingly truthful perspective - brilliantly identifying what is imperative if our contemporary circumstances have a chance to avoid absolute oblivion (or a horrifying, authoritarian dystopia - which is the same thing!). Because his message is so important, I'll have to find another way to promote it other than by commenting on his thread. Pity!
Restack or copy the URL into your own Note and tag him.
Thank you Jena!
Just ordered a mug. 😊. I Dissent!
Awwww that makes me smile. Thank you.
Can I send you one of the postcards as well (FREE)?
I love Pink’s Irrelevant Video.
Oh yes. She is amazing.
I dissent
I Dissent!
Thank you, Gloria.
I’m wearing my RESIST tank top as I type this!
Thank you Auntie E!