Wow Jena! First, this lyrics to Bullet Proof were perfect and needed. I too, had to take on the violence as a younger woman - horrible - so my heart 💜 is here, it's in, let me know how I can help. Thank you for sharing this. We are on the same page. Blessings, La

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The virtual version of the campaign/initiative goes for another 7 days as does the one in physical reality, though I don't know what they are doing. I DO know that the division of the UN that oversees is (UNiTE) has declared the 25th of each month as “Orange Day." a day to raise awareness and take action to end violence against women and girls. You can find out more here:


I am actively involved in the virtual campaign (its organizer is a friend). Perhaps we could talk about doing something on the 25th of each month - a concert and a post (with music) as part of this effort. I would need support (financial as I have to pay the musicians) and spreading the word. It would be great to have others write about this too so we can link to one another. Let's talk!

P.S. I LOVED "Bulletproof" too!

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Let's set a date to talk about this in January 2024. 🙏🩵

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For sure!

Watcha doing for the holidays?

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First for sure, mental vacation - leading into body vacation and then those two parts come together refreshed (I hope) and we head up to see Family in Idaho for a snowy Xmas. And you?

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Oh Idaho? Cool. I'm sure there is a story there :-) I hope you arrive with plenty of snow, no black ice, and scenic photos to take. Remember all the good stuff so you can share, okay?

Nothing. This is a tough time of the year for me.

I don't have family, mom passed around this time 3 years ago, and my birthday lands two days before the big one. I have resolved to just be kind to myself and not focus on events associated with the holidays. I'm okay - honest :-)

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Jenna, thank you for link/s...i don't visit facebook much... But I had to, this time...left a note at your link....

May I re-iterate here?

We need to evolve as humans. We can not continue, as we are doing now.

This violence, against a substantial percentage 50+, potentially, FEMALE GENDER, starts soon after conception.

I do not have words, in any human language, to describe the incredible irrationality, born of - religion, custom, norms, politics, and whatever else prevailing...force of circumstances...to ever, ever, evvveer, justify this way of life. Its acceptance. The savagery. Abominable

In many cultures (!! 😳) femicide, is that the correct word here, is carried out, with alarming nonchalance.

Just thinking, China, yuuuuge population, one child family shite policy, (resulting in aborting female foetus) led to, goodness knows, such disastrous circumstances, that females are now kidnapped (not violently?? oh, enlighten me. I am so ffffffking ignorant).

India, huugher population - female foetus aborted. (exception Kerala, Matriarchal lines followed, sigh of relief). Female gender, often, considered a burden. Oh, leaving home, and the dowry. Jaezuz... So...it's, the dice, are, often, all loaded against female. ((Oh, scan it, shucks, click fingers, female, oh no, how disappointing. Tut tut, whisper whisper, we can't be having that...zap it, or whatever they do for aborting)).

The only abortions, I know of, are rescheduling space launches.

Hypocrite Hindus. They have a multitude of Goddesses 😳

Middle east, female is chattel. Am sure, there is infernal, internal violence. All burka-ed up. Thought police. Saudi, Irani et al...flagrant murders. Broad daylight.

I don't even want to start on FGM - how is it possibly going on, right there??? In broad daylight. Nay, 24 / 7 In our face.

There's the social first, second worlds, femicide...

(digressing - there's that, no, two monsters, I came across, last few years - ** Chris Watts, Frederick Colorado, who "got rid of" three...in space of few hours, his two preschool daughters and his hard working wife.

And the other one, dirty laundry guy 22, can't recall his name, he got rid of his sweet girlfriend Gabby Petito, left her in the wilderness)

--- Jenna, I'm sorry, for my outburst, I should stop, as I'm verging on unacceptable language - I'm no Jeff Tiedrich - not qualified to use his wonderful adjectives.

⛄💙🌝Hugs 🫂from London 🙏🧘🌌

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Rant away dear Mahesh. Nothing you have said is untrue and in fact is probably much worse. I am thankful for other strong women who are willing to speak out. HUGS!

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Dear Jenna Ball ❄️

Howdy 🙏

Cosmic coincidence - as I read your essay on the Orange & Its Power....i am, simultaneously melting a delicious, bite-sized (okay, slightly larger) piece of orange chocolate, Toblerone Triangle, in my mouth.

Your essay and this chocolate, are both delicious. Thanks for writing.

Love from rainy London 🫂☃️(I know, I know, right above this thickish cloud layer, it's really sunny, low hangin' and wintry gorgeous 🌈🌻🧘🌌

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Thank you Mahesh. The chocolate sounds yummy!

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