“Who let you down? Who made you think you weren’t enough and filled your soul with doubt?” - Jamie Fine, Bulletproof
I first met Jerzzie Reece (Redstar) in 2022 at the International Women’s Day in Second Life (SL). She was decked out in one of her famously fabulous gowns (fabulous with a capital “F”) dancing to Grace Newton’s version of “Rise Up.” We got to talking, comparing notes on our favorite singers, art galleries, and hobbies in Second Life. It was clear we had a lot in common, but it wasn’t until she sent me a note about “Orange the World,” an international program she’d brought to SL, that I got my first real glimpse of the woman behind the avatar.
Before we go any further, I have to explain that Orange the World (OTW) is a global initiative launched in 2008 under the leadership of the UN Secretary-General and presently managed by UN Women - the United Nations organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. The campaign is held annually and consists of 16 days of events dedicated to ending gender-based violence around the world. It begins on November 25th (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), and runs through December 10th (International Human Rights Day).
It was Jerzzie who spearheaded efforts to bring OTW into SL. “I wanted to support women and girls by raising awareness about violence against them in virtual worlds as well as physical life,” she explained. “Many people are not aware that gender-based abuse exists in virtual worlds,” she went on. “They assume that because people are represented as avatars they can’t be hurt. However, as anyone who has been manipulated emotionally and psychologically knows, there are many kinds of non-physical abuse that can result in long-term trauma.”
Jerzzie was quiet for a long time after telling me this. It was clear there was more to the story, but I wanted her to decide if she could trust me with it. Finally she sighed and said she had firsthand experience of emotional abuse and manipulation in SL. She’d returned to the platform in 2020 after a 12-year hiatus because of the pandemic and found herself attracted to what seemed to be an intelligent, caring, and charming man. But not long after they became partners, he started to lie, cheat, and try to persuade her to meet him in first life. When he began using offensive language on voice/video calls that was overheard by her young daughter, Jerrzie knew the relationship had to end.
Subsequent investigations into the man’s background in both worlds revealed that he had a long history of abusive behavior and had been charged with domestic violence by his ex-wife in his first life. Over time, many other women who’d had similar experiences, as well as their families and friends, began to contact her. That’s when she and a friend (Zaffy Kiyori) decided to create a place for these women and their families in SL. “I decided to build a sim (an island in Second Life) where anyone who’d been abused and/or exploited in either their first or second lives could reflect, feel safe, heal and be empowered,” Jerzzie said. The sim was so well received that Jerzzie and Zaffy kept it open until the early months of 2022.
Then in 2022, Jerzzie decided to hold most of the Orange the World activities in one place and became co-owner with Frank Atisso of the Artsville sim. There the stories, poetry, song, dance, photography, and art of residents is showcased. “OTW grew naturally out of Artsville,” she said. “We knew it was time to be more than just a haven. We wanted to be proactive about raising awareness in-world and put abusers on notice that they cannot just violate others. It was time to shine the light on this issue.”
The first Orange the World events were held in SL in 2021. Now in its third year, the initiative has gained attention and momentum. “We are raising awareness through music/dj events and the arts/ photography because this is the best way we can send ripples to a lot of people and communities in Second Life,” Jerzzie said.
The theme for the 2023 event is “Invest to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls.” All Second Life photo enthusiasts, bloggers, sim explorers, and music enthusiasts are welcome to be part of the campaign by taking photos and sharing their experiences with Jerzzie and her team inworld, on Facebook, and on Flickr (see links below).
Upcoming We Orange the World Events
Tomorrow, Sunday, December 3rd will feature music by DJ NadinKatrin and Raspbury Rearwin. I am honored to be hosting both at my venue, StarFall and hope you’ll stop by to hear some truly special tunes. Below are the details.
WHEN: Sunday, December 3, 2023
TIME: DJ NadinKatrin - Noon (12:00 pm) to 1:00 pm PST/SLT
Raspbury Rearwin - 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm PST/SLT
NOTE: To listen to Rasp’s live music stream during his performance, visit:
WHERE: StarFall venue at Arbors
SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Braided%20Lives/123/150/24
DRESS: Please wear Orange!
Questions? Contact Jenaia Morane or Jerzzie Redstar
We Orange the World on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079639357814
We Orange the World Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/search/?text=We%20Orange%20the%20World
Jerzzie Redstar Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jerzziereece101/
Jenna, thank you for link/s...i don't visit facebook much... But I had to, this time...left a note at your link....
May I re-iterate here?
We need to evolve as humans. We can not continue, as we are doing now.
This violence, against a substantial percentage 50+, potentially, FEMALE GENDER, starts soon after conception.
I do not have words, in any human language, to describe the incredible irrationality, born of - religion, custom, norms, politics, and whatever else prevailing...force of circumstances...to ever, ever, evvveer, justify this way of life. Its acceptance. The savagery. Abominable
In many cultures (!! 😳) femicide, is that the correct word here, is carried out, with alarming nonchalance.
Just thinking, China, yuuuuge population, one child family shite policy, (resulting in aborting female foetus) led to, goodness knows, such disastrous circumstances, that females are now kidnapped (not violently?? oh, enlighten me. I am so ffffffking ignorant).
India, huugher population - female foetus aborted. (exception Kerala, Matriarchal lines followed, sigh of relief). Female gender, often, considered a burden. Oh, leaving home, and the dowry. Jaezuz... So...it's, the dice, are, often, all loaded against female. ((Oh, scan it, shucks, click fingers, female, oh no, how disappointing. Tut tut, whisper whisper, we can't be having that...zap it, or whatever they do for aborting)).
The only abortions, I know of, are rescheduling space launches.
Hypocrite Hindus. They have a multitude of Goddesses 😳
Middle east, female is chattel. Am sure, there is infernal, internal violence. All burka-ed up. Thought police. Saudi, Irani et al...flagrant murders. Broad daylight.
I don't even want to start on FGM - how is it possibly going on, right there??? In broad daylight. Nay, 24 / 7 In our face.
There's the social first, second worlds, femicide...
(digressing - there's that, no, two monsters, I came across, last few years - ** Chris Watts, Frederick Colorado, who "got rid of" three...in space of few hours, his two preschool daughters and his hard working wife.
And the other one, dirty laundry guy 22, can't recall his name, he got rid of his sweet girlfriend Gabby Petito, left her in the wilderness)
--- Jenna, I'm sorry, for my outburst, I should stop, as I'm verging on unacceptable language - I'm no Jeff Tiedrich - not qualified to use his wonderful adjectives.
⛄💙🌝Hugs 🫂from London 🙏🧘🌌
Wow Jena! First, this lyrics to Bullet Proof were perfect and needed. I too, had to take on the violence as a younger woman - horrible - so my heart 💜 is here, it's in, let me know how I can help. Thank you for sharing this. We are on the same page. Blessings, La