Ohhhhh I LOVE Adrienne Rich's work and Alice Walker, Marge Piercy, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou...so many who helped shape my sense of womanhood.
Did your mother ever talk to you directly about feminism? It's interesting that she was so intrigued by Chisholm. Of course Chisholm was a pretty fascinating and groundbreaking person. I wish I could have met her.
I feel the same about "ordinary" women. Is there any such thing? LOL
How interesting. I’ve met quite a few younger women who don’t want to be called feminists. They equate the word with being antagonistic and men haters. And they seem to think that the rights they enjoy are a given. They don’t understand the struggle.
Yes, I do need a pussy hat! How do you make one? I was going to knit or crochet one but never got a pattern.
Gotta say, PINK is sublime! Thank you, Jena!!
She knocks my socks off. One of the few people I would like to meet and do a sing-along with :-)
Ohhhhh I LOVE Adrienne Rich's work and Alice Walker, Marge Piercy, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou...so many who helped shape my sense of womanhood.
Did your mother ever talk to you directly about feminism? It's interesting that she was so intrigued by Chisholm. Of course Chisholm was a pretty fascinating and groundbreaking person. I wish I could have met her.
I feel the same about "ordinary" women. Is there any such thing? LOL
P.S. I want a pussy hat!
How interesting. I’ve met quite a few younger women who don’t want to be called feminists. They equate the word with being antagonistic and men haters. And they seem to think that the rights they enjoy are a given. They don’t understand the struggle.
Yes, I do need a pussy hat! How do you make one? I was going to knit or crochet one but never got a pattern.
Thank you!