“I was catching my breath, floors of a cabin creaking under my step. I couldn't be sure, I had a feeling so peculiar. This pain wouldn't be for evermore.” - Taylor Swift, Evermore
So we’ve talked about insecurities and my theory that they are outward expressions of wounds we acquire as we grow from infants to adults. What do you think of that theory by the way?
There are many ways to be insecure, but I’m sure you’ve noticed that an overwhelming number of songs are devoted to insecurities related to romantic love. Since most of us have been taught look to outside ourselves for attention and approval - to define our self-worth by how we look and perform when compared to others - it’s not surprising that we also believe that a mate is required to complete us.
But have you noticed that for every song celebrating the discovery of love, there is another chronicling heartbreak? It’s almost as if some part of us looks not for healthy partners, but for those who can point out and intensify the places within us that need healing.
With that theory in mind, I went looking for songs that were about turning inward rather than outward to deal with our insecurities - songs that assumed there was something more than attraction going on when two people feel drawn to one another.
The song that expresses this idea the best for me is “Closer to Fine” by Indigo Girls. Let’s have a listen:
The singer talks about going to doctors, philosophers, and academics - looking to children, climbing mountains, and drinking from fountains in search of answers only to find herself “crawling on your shores.” What shores does she mean?
Can you think of any other songs that tackle this complex issue?
Let the discussion begin!
Copyright 2021 by Jena Ball. All Rights Reserved.
Yes! Jena! "For every song celebrating the discovery of love, there is another chronicling heartbreak!"