Ukrainian composer Kateryna Voroniuk has made new vision of the old Ukrainian folk song. She stays in Ukraine during all these rockets explosions and continues to make an art. #StopWar


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Wow that is haunting. Thank you so much Okeksil. I have gotten in touch with her.

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Jena! You are tireless! Your special talents combined with your extraordinary enthusiasm, mixed with your vast experience, has made it possible for you to pull this feat off!

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Thank you so much Auntie E. However, I don't know that I have actually pulled it off. It remains to be seen if people will listen, watch the videos, spread the word and donate. I am doing what feels right (as always). That's the best I can do. Thank you for being such a tireless supporter.

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This. Is. Amazing.

That's all I can say right now...

and: Thank you.

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Thank you Aleks!

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