Sep 7, 2021Liked by Jena Ball

I love Cat's in the Cradle by Harry Chapin. It has always touched me. I don't have children. With the world as it is I am glad. Children getting Covid from unvaxxed parents is now a tragedy I cannot wrap my mind around. You are a force of energy Jena!! Go Jena Go!

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Oh my goodness thank you Jennifer!

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Zounds, Jena! You are launching more space rockets than Jeff Bezos and Elan Musk put together! Critter Kin!! The new book, DOXIE THE DOGGONE DIRTY DIGGER! Congratulations, Woman!

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Sorry copied the wrong address: https://youtu.be/sXttVx-Ks7w

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LOL you must think I am off my rocker. I’d been working on CritterKin for more than 10 years, when my biz partner left. I set it aside for a couple of years to make a living. Then COVID hit and I started to realize that the CritterKin books and materials might be one way to help parents who were struggling to teach their kids at home. I’d already written the fifth book (it just needs to be illustrated), and I have seen how much kids and teachers like the materials.

CritterKin is not the only answer, obviously. There are many pieces to this puzzle, but if I can, I want be part of the solution.

So here we are :-). I nestled CritterKin under “Learning” on the Braided Lives site and started looking for potential partners. I’m still not sure how It will all pan out, but at least I’ll know I did what I could. And of course any music I write or use in CritterKin can be grist for the “Pass Along Songs” mill.

Thanks for the encouragement and congratulations :-)

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That video of the kids singing! SPLENDID, JENA!

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Thank you. That was the debut in Texas. When we did the international program in 16 countries and had hundreds of classrooms attending it was mind-boggling. I cried. That's when I knew that kids loved CritterKin as much as I loved the kids. There is something bigger than me in CritterKin. I just have to find the best way to get it into their hands. Hugs.

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Damn, Jena! This is BIG!!

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Yes. If I can just find the right way to get the materials into the hands of parents it will make a huge difference and hopefully buy me the time and money I need to grow it into a movement that will literally change how we educate our kids. Our current education system is broken. Everyone knows it but no one wants to spent the time and money needed to revamp it. So instead we limp along teaching kids that some are better and more deserving than others and that they have to compare and compete to survive. They also learn that how they perform on tests is more important than who they are. This is child abuse in my opinion. But we are dealing with a mammoth institution that makes a lot of people money.

It is such a waste of our most precious assets - the creativity, inherent kindness, and love of learning that children embody.

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I believe 100% you will pull this off, Jena!

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