May 29, 2022Liked by Jena Ball

This letter is utterly heart breaking. But we need to know so we can help. In the beginning of May I signed up to be a Joint Baltic American National Committee Advocate and we met with our Senators. Ukraine was the main subject and I cried through my strategic points. I literally could not get my shit together. But I spoke about taking the money from the Russian Oligarchs who fund Putin and give it to Ukraine. I reiterated the need for Swift War Criminal trials and to place Putin at the front. I sniffed and snotted my way to reiterating we needed to let other countries into NATO quickly so Putin couldn't invade without serious repercussions. So, I tried. I also am a Patreon for an adorable Angel couple who are Vets in Ukraine helping animals in the war. They are on Facebook and Instagram called @vet.crew I have donated to Ukraine to other orgs. I feel sickened and helpless watching the horror show. And now our horror shows here with gun massacres. I am just so sad.

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Oh darlin. You have done your part - REALLY. Thank you. It just will take a lot more of us "doing" things to shift the needle. I would like to know more about the couple that is helping animals as that is one of my pet projects as well. Links?

Sending you a warm hug.

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May 29, 2022Liked by Jena Ball

Here is the Vet Crew Link. Sending you hugs too dear Jena!


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Oh...they are wonderful. I'd like to find a way to include them in "Song Flight." I will have to sleep on it. A lot going on in my brain at the moment :-) I'll take the hugs :-)

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May 29, 2022Liked by Jena Ball

Yes, they are angels on earth and it is so hard for them. They have gently asked people to stop asking how they are doing. They are brave. But it is devastating. Thank you Jena🙏🏻💗🙏🏻

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They are. I have written to ask if I can interview them. No reason good music can't be played for angels :-)

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May 29, 2022Liked by Jena Ball


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May 28, 2022Liked by Jena Ball

People are of course tired of war but not of CARING OF THE PEOPLE IN WAR💗💗💗💗💗

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Jena! Salute! I am happy you did not fall for that bullshit about "people are tired of war!"

The only way to help end wars is NOT to ignore wars, but to KEEP AT IT! KEEP BANGING! KEEP RINGING THE BELL! KEEP SINGING! Your optimism will prevail. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not for years......but it will PREVAIL.

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Thank you for the vote of confidence Auntie E. I have been most unpopular with some folks this week, especially educators who think the fault for the shootings in TX lies with the schools and the teachers for not keeping doors closed and that I am being "mean" by calling out Governor Abbott. I am incredulous.

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May 28, 2022Liked by Jena Ball

I am with you Jena. The Gun Lobby and Senators who take their blood money perpetuate the evil.

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yes it is heinous. How are you doing?

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May 29, 2022Liked by Jena Ball

Other than crying all the time about the world I am good...ha. Thank you for asking💗

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I think I'd be more worried if you didn't cry. If you are interested in knowing more about I am up to, let me know. I'm looking for funding now, but hope to be able to engage and pay people to help soon. (((Jennifer)))

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