On Sunday, December 3, 2023 we gathered at StarFall for Day 9 of the Orange the World campaign in Second Life (SL). In addition to the three dozen or more avatars who attended, Raspbury Rearwin (our live acoustic musician) streamed his set live to the web so that those who couldn’t attend virtually could enjoy as well.
As the video above shows, it was a special event, especially given the theme - Coloring the World Orange to end violence against women and girls. To learn more about the origins of the campaign in both physical and virtual realities, see my December 2nd. post, “The Power of Orange.”
The performers’ sets were a full hour each, so there was no way to capture the depth and power of the music that was shared in a single video. To hear the full recording of Rasp’s performance, visit:
And of course wherever and whatever world you are in, please continue to speak out against and do your best to prevent gender-based violence.
For More Information
UN Women: https://www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/ending-violence-against-women/unite/orange-the-world
Orange the World SL: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079639357814
Jerzzie Redstar: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jerzziereece101/
I also cheerfully accept one-time donations. Just click on the donate button below to be taken to my PayPal page. Thank you!
It was a very impactful and meaningful event. Glad I was able to attend!