I’ve always loved flash mobs - the idea that musicians can appear seemingly out of nowhere in a public place to play for whoever is there - kids, elders, teens, any and all nationalities, languages, abilities, and creeds - to create a musical bridge between them. How magical is that?!
This particular flash mob touched my heart because it was organized in Finland in honor of the Ukrainian people.
Tell me, if you were to organize a flash mob in honor of the Ukrainian people, what would you sing?
Send your submissions to: JenaBall@CritterKin.com
Learn more about SING THIS: https://www.braidedlives.com/songs4ukraine-chain
To support the “Songs for Ukraine” initiative visit: https://gofund.me/26920e97
Copyright 2022 by Jena Ball. All Rights Reserved.
Flash mobs are the absolute best!