“It does not take a great supernatural heroine or magical hero to save the world. We all save it and we all destroy it every day -- in our own small ways -- by every choice we make. So the next time you feel useless and impotent, remember what you are doing in this very moment. And then observe how your tiny, seemingly meaningless acts and choices coalesce and cascade together into a powerful positive whole.
”The world -- if it could -- will thank you.” ― Vera Nazarian
Few things are more disturbing than living in a world where you can’t hide from atrocities being committed by others (digitization and the internet have brought the world into our homes) and feel as if there is little you can do to help or change what’s happening. The situation in Ukraine is a perfect example and it has had me feeling both furious and desolate. Neither of these feelings, however, were doing me or anyone else any good. In fact, I would argue that focusing on the horrors and feeling helpless only fuels our collective despair.
As someone who has spent her life excavating and healing the wounds that led me to develop an eating disorder and alcoholism, I’ve come to believe in a truth that exists beyond the hurt. This is not a deity or religion or spiritual dogma. It is a spark I’ve never failed to find in others (particularly kids) and experience each time I step out into nature. It exists around and within us, and is fanned into flames when we spend time together doing what we love - when we see, celebrate, and support the gifts that each of us brings to the table.
This is not to say that we ignore or allow those whose wounds are so deep and profound that they have come to associate pleasure with pain - whose only source of satisfaction comes from dominating and causing others to suffer. BUT - and it’s a BIG but - I believe that by raising our collective voices, focusing on seeing, empowering, and encouraging one another to do what each of us can, the tide will turn and the world will heal.
Songs of Hope and Healing for Ukraine: March 26, 2022
Yesterday was week two of our ongoing series of virtual concerts in support of Ukraine. The three musicians performing were, Cylindrian Rutabaga (Grace Newton), Frogg Marlowe (Jeremy Works), and Raspbury Rearwin (Gary Chin). Below is information about each performer and highlights from their shows.
Cylindrian Rutabaga (Grace Newton)
Cylindrian is a singer, songwriter, and music teacher whose powerful voice and song choices moved us to tears. In particular, her rendition of “Sunday Bloody Sunday” by U2 showed how music can help us deal with our anger and grief.
Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2 (11:00)
I can't believe the news today
Oh, I can't close my eyes and make it go away
How long? How long must we sing this song?
How long? How long?
'Cause tonight, we can be as one tonight
Listen to the Complete Performance
Read Grace’s profile for International Women’s Day
Listen to her originals:
To learn more about Grace’s band, “Anger Management,” follow them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syde.wynder.7
To learn about her second band, “Steppin Stones,” follow them on Facebook:
Frogg Marlowe (Jeremy Works)
Frogg Marlowe is a singer/songwriter performing original music with a selection of some of his favorite covers. Frogg has been performing in Second Life since 2005 as one half of the popular live performing duo, Effinjay, and has recently branched out to do solo performances. Frogg is streaming from Eugene, OR and has an extensive arts background, with a history rich in theater and musical performances and 14 years of academic and professional vocal training.
Are You Okay? (Original) 32:56
Somebody once asked me if but only at one time
Are you okay?
Unconditionally (Original) 38:00
I believe I’ve previously stated
that I can be kinda complicated
And I know you need this so I’ll give you this one for free
All I ever wanted was to see you be happy
Listen to the Complete Performance
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/frogg-marlowe FROGG
Effinjay (Frogg Marlowe and Jaycatt Nico) http://effinjay.com/
Known to his friends as “Raspy” the koala, Raspbury Rearwin has been entertaining Second Life audiences since 2006. Although the music industry never appealed to him (he claims he’s too lazy to pursue it in RL), Rasp will admit that music is a little more than a hobby. “I mostly just love playing, even if it's just for myself or a couple friends. I'm just as happy to play for 5 people as 50.”
The thing that no one tells you about Rasp is that he is a consummate pro when it comes to mastering the instruments and technologies behind his performances and has a gift for plunging into music and letting it take him where it wants to go. That’s why his performance in support of Ukraine yesterday was so powerful. It felt like the audience was swept up and carried along with him.
Heroes by David Bowie, Brian Eno (1:40)
I can remember
Standing, by the wall
And the guns, shot above our heads
And we kissed, as though nothing could fall
And the shame, was on the other side
Oh we can beat them, forever and ever
Then we could be heroes, just for one day.
Times Like These by Foo Fighters (4:30)
It’s times like these you learn to live again
It’s times like these you give and give again
It’s times like these you learn to love again
Times like these time and time again.
Have a Little Faith by Lexus Melodie (26:43)
Have a little faith in your own strength
Have a little faith in you
Instrumental: 38:00
Listen to the Complete Performance
Learn more about his music and shows: https://www.facebook.com/raspbury.rearwin/
Next week: Denny Mac, Max Kleene, and Rasp
More About Songs of Hope and Healing
Each week from Noon to 3:00 pm (PST), you can attend (or tune in via live stream) to hear some exceptional music in support of Ukraine performed by some of Second Life’s best and most beloved musicians. The 3D space also contains:
A concert stage
A list of the many organizations working to help Ukraine with links to infornamtion about how you can help.
A meditation circle.
Sunflowers containing the poems of Ukranian poets
A small art gallery featuring the work of Ukranian artists
An area devoted to live readings of both poetry and stories. In particular, we are looking to share stories in Ukraniain for children. If you happen to know a translator who would be willing to help, please contact Jena: JenaBall@CritterKin.com
If you have poems or stories you would like to contribute, get in touch as well.
NOTE: All concerts and readings are being live streamed to the net and archived here on Pass Along Songs and on SoundCloud.
Live Stream:
Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-899999544
Please share the project with friends, family, and colleagues. If you have feedback, suggestions, or musical requests, contact Jena Ball: JenaBall@CritterKin.com
Copyright 2022 by Jena Ball. All Rights Reserved.
Jena! You are a one-woman Nato-Red-Cross-Ed-Sullivan!!!