“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace” - Jimi Hendrix
Meet Nazar, pictured here with his cat. They survived the Russian occupation of Vorzel in the Kyiv region by hiding in the basement of their house.
The cat is so obviously used to being carried around like a sack of potatoes and perfectly happy to be “hanging” with his/her person. Unfortunately, the person who posted this did not include the kitty’s name, so I propose we come up with one.
What would you name Nazar’s sweet kitty? I’ll go first. How about Diesel?
P.S. The group that first shared this wonderful photo is the Ukraine Refugees & Animal Support Group.
You can join and support their tireless efforts here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/530024265058805/
Copyright 2022 by Jena Ball. All Rights Reserved.
I suggest we call the cat, "Jena!"
Welllll....the cat is utterly adorable and so are you...it fits!