“Anyone who believes in democracy and freedom and love and culture and peace ought to be busy now. We cannot wait for tomorrow.” - Edna St. Vincent Millay
Several people have asked me about the word, “savage.” To them it means something negative - brutal, vicious, and dangerous. But to me it has come to mean something very different - something elemental and full of both life force and self-empowerment. Whenever I think of savage now I think of the scene from the movie Avatar when Neytiri crouches over an unconscious Jake with her teeth bared and knife drawn. She is savage because she’s protecting what she loves and epitomizes what savage has come to mean to me in everyday use - excellent, fierce or wicked.
The postcards in the video above were created with the same intention - as a way to help women everywhere connect and protect what we love. To learn how to order them, visit: https://jenaball.wixsite.com/savage-voices/resources
P.S. I still have a few of the “I Will Not Lower My Voice” postcards that I’m sending out free to members of my community. This is not a gimmick. I will not ask you for money or use your information to spam you. It’s just a heartfelt thanks for reading along and being part of my journey. Send your name and physical address to: JenaBall at CritterKin dot com and if you’d like one.
Copyright 2024 by Jena Ball. All Rights Reserved.