“Every times you got it wrong, you were one step closer to getting it right.” - Ralph Khoury
This gem of an animated poem brought tears to my eyes with four simple words, “You did good today.” How often do we hear that? How often do we allow ourselves to acknowledge or feel what we’ve accomplished simply by getting through our days?
As I sat with little waterfalls running down my cheeks I thought about the litter box cleaned, the rent paid, and the two-mile walk I managed to squeeze in between rain showers. I thought about my efforts to help the brother of a friend who is struggling with PTSD, about the seemingly “too short” paragraphs written for my book, and the 38-minute nap I took with my gentle giant of a tabby cat curled on my lap.
Thanks to this animated gem of a poem, I realized that helping someone with PTSD cleared some old, stale air between my father and I (also a war veteran), that “too short” needs to be expunged from my vocabulary, and napping is one of the most restorative and nurturing things I can do for myself.
I did good today.
Please take a few moments to let yourself acknowledge and feel the same.
P.S. The work of Ralph Khoury (@gingerpotter21 on Instagram) is extraordinary. Please stop by and let him know you appreciate his work. He can be found on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gingerpotter21
Thanks for a lovely post!
So beautiful🌹