He’s baaaack!
This is Rasp’s second concert at the Music Road Trip, and as you’ll see he did not disappoint. As snow fell from the sky he entertained us with his versions of songs like “The Joker,” “Collide,” and “Take a Walk on the Wild Side” (with an amazing looping session that includes a kazoo!)
This week we also asked Rasp about how he got started in music.
MRT: What got you started in music?
RASP: I've been playing since about 5th grade - trumpet in school bands. So music has always been a part of my life. I started playing keyboards around 14. Then guitar around 16. My parents got me a used trumpet so I could take lessons and join the elementary school band.
MRT: Trumpet? Why trumpet? It’s so loud and hard to play!
Rasp: LOL, not sure why. My sister started on clarinet a couple of years before me. Maybe because it was small enough for a little kid and not as expensive as a piano?
My dad used to like big band music.
I haven't owned one for a long time, and my lips probably would need some practice, but I still remember most of the fingering - muscle memory. Plus there's just the three valves, so it’s not as complex as flutes or clarinets or sax.
MRT: What got you hooked and what keeps you playing? I guess I'm asking when did music become not just a hobby, but a passion?'
Rasp: After I got out of high school, the guitar was mostly just a hobby. I'd pick it up and play for a few months, then not play for 6 months. I played a bit more often in my late 20s. Honestly, though, I really started playing more often once I got on Second Life and realized there were people doing live shows here.
I had never really learned too many songs, just a few I'd written myself and a couple of covers. But then I started playing in SL and quickly realized I needed to start learning more songs. Now there are about 300 or so I can play marginally well. My musical tastes are very broad.
Needless to say, we’re glad Rasp persevered and adopted the guitar as opposed to the trumpet. You can hear him LIVE each week at 2:00 pm PST in Second Life at The Music Road Trip venue (see link below) or here on Pass Along Songs.
Thanks for listening!
Raspbury in Second Life
WHEN: Saturdays at 2:00 pm pacific standard time (PST)
WHERE: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/GoldLand/41/22/24
QUESTIONS? Contact Jena at Jenaia.Morane@gmail.com
Loved this one, Jena!
Thank you for spreading the word Lucy!