“This photo, this symbol, and this painting should be seen by the whole world. Only then is there a chance that Russia will never be able to repeat it anywhere else.” - Nazar Rozlutsky
These words and this image were shared with me by Nazar Rozlutsky, one of the “Songs for Ukraine” members fighting at the front lines of the war in Ukraine. I sent him love and reiterated how horrific and unconscionable I believe the war to be. Nazar appreciated my response, but replied saying,
“Love is very important. But we also need long-range missiles and aviation to protect ourselves. Please tell your friends and acquaintances about our struggles, our losses, and our needs. For public opinion to push the US authorities to decide to hand over these things to us. Then we will win faster and thousands of our people will remain alive.” - Nazar Rozlutsky
I agree but as most of you know I feel quite helpless to lend practical, hands-on aid other than to lobby government officials, encourage others to donate money, and help keep what is best about Ukraine alive.
Nazar is part of our community here and I have asked him to send us any practical suggestions he may have. If you have any of your own, please add them here in the comments.
And PLEASE, continue to share. There is power in numbers, in working collectively to end this unconscionable war. What is happening in Ukraine is an indication of a larger illness that afflicts all of humanity. What hurts one hurts us all.
I will have updates soon on my own ongoing efforts to raise awareness and funds and to support Ukrainian children displaced by war.
We must continue to write and call our congress and our senators to let tjem know we want to continue sending aid, money and arms for Ukraine. In addition, we want to continue supporting the countries who want to join Nato, as well as proclaim Putin a WAR Criminal and have a Trial such as the Nuremburg Trials prosecuting those responsible for the Genocides and Crimes Against Humanity which Russian has committed in Ukraine.
Thank you Jena for keeping us abreast via those who know the realities of the war in Ukraine. It is utterly horrific.
Thank you, Jena!