I have just discovered Arundhati Roy and I am both shocked that such exquisite writing was not on my radar and grateful. I have chosen a few quotes that speak to me below and some music from VOCE8 to accompany them.
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” - Arunhati Roy
Underneath the Stars by Kate Rusby
“Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it. To deprive it of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it. With our art, our music, our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness – and our ability to tell our own stories. Stories that are different from the ones we’re being brainwashed to believe.” - Arunhati Roy
Send in the Clowns by Stephen Sondheim
Remember this: We be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them.” -Arunhati Roy
The Road Home by Stephen Paulus
“To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.” - Arunhati Roy
May It Be: Enya